Invited talks
Population genetics and diet of the greater horseshoe bat in France. Queen’s University Biological Station weekly seminar, QUBS, Canada. 2022.
Retour d’expérience sur la bio-informatique pour le métabarcoding. Réunion GT Barcoding UMR DYNAFOR (INRAE, INP-ENSAT, PURPAN), online. 2022.
Do introduced wild turkeys prey on the endangered blue racer on Pelee island? Canadian Herpetological Society conference, Ottawa, Canada. 2023.
Breeding phenology of an endangered frog species using eDNA ddPCR and acoustic monitoring technique. River symposium, Cornwall, Canada. 2022.
Population genetics as a tool for conservation biology: defining management units for the greater horseshoe bat in France. 8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw, Poland. 2019.
Which primer set(s) for your bat diet metabarcoding study? Application to two insectivorous bat species sharing maternity roosts. 8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw, Poland. 2019.
The greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) diet: optimisation of arthropods DNA identification in guano samples . SFecologie, Rennes, France. 2018.
Conservation and ecology of the greater horseshoe bat : what do we learn from molecular analyses? XVIIst Rencontres nationales chauves-souris, Bourges, France. 2018.
Bats and ecosystemic services : what do we learn from the DNA found in the guano? Ecolo’Tech scientific congress, Montpellier, France. 2018.
Population genetics of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Western France. European Bat Research Symposium, San Sebastian, Spain. 2017.
Metabarcoding for the parallel identification of bats and their preys: focus on the greater horseshoe bat. Poster presentation. Genomic environmental conference, Marseille, France. 2017. * Best Poster Prize *