Invited talks
2025 - Un vent de changement dans les suivis de biodiversité : la promesse de l’ADN environnemental dans l’air. Les retours du jeudi. UMR DYNAFOR (INRAE, INP-ENSAT, PURPAN), online.
2024 - The winds of change in biodiversity monitoring: the promise of airborne environmental DNA. Queen’s University Departmental seminar, Kingston, Canada.
2024 - Detecting predation using environmental DNA. CHS Conservation Genetics Workshop, Sidney, Canada
2022 - Population genetics and diet of the greater horseshoe bat in France. Queen’s University Biological Station weekly seminar, QUBS, Canada.
2022 - Retour d’expérience sur la bio-informatique pour le métabarcoding. Réunion GT Barcoding UMR DYNAFOR (INRAE, INP-ENSAT, PURPAN), online.
2024 - Estimating the probability of detecting tropical bats using airborne eDNA from the roosts. SFE² International congress of Ecology and Evolution, Lyon, France.
2023 - Do introduced wild turkeys prey on the endangered blue racer on Pelee island? Canadian Herpetological Society conference, Ottawa, Canada.
2022 - Breeding phenology of an endangered frog species using eDNA ddPCR and acoustic monitoring technique. River symposium, Cornwall, Canada.
2019 - Population genetics as a tool for conservation biology: defining management units for the greater horseshoe bat in France. 8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw, Poland.
2019 - Which primer set(s) for your bat diet metabarcoding study? Application to two insectivorous bat species sharing maternity roosts. 8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw, Poland.
2018 - The greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) diet: optimisation of arthropods DNA identification in guano samples . SFecologie, Rennes, France.
2018 - Conservation and ecology of the greater horseshoe bat : what do we learn from molecular analyses? XVIIst Rencontres nationales chauves-souris, Bourges, France.
2018 - Bats and ecosystemic services : what do we learn from the DNA found in the guano? Ecolo’Tech scientific congress, Montpellier, France.
2017 - Population genetics of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in Western France. European Bat Research Symposium, San Sebastian, Spain.
2017 - Metabarcoding for the parallel identification of bats and their preys: focus on the greater horseshoe bat. Poster presentation. Genomic environmental conference, Marseille, France. * Best Poster Prize *